#4 – Eat a strictly Paleo diet for 2 months (July 23rd – September 23rd)

Okay, so here’s where honesty comes in… My first month of Paleo = VERY STRICT! My second month of Paleo = 100% Paleo, 80% of the time. With that being said, I think that I still achieved my goal. Because guess what?! I’M STILL GOING!

While the occasion cookie or bagel or corn or potato may catch me in a moment of weakness, I have decided to continue eating more vegetables, more fruits, more meats, and less of everything else. Is strictly Paleo every day practical/ possible for me? Maybe one day… but on the meal plan at UGA the answer is no.

However, I have learned so much from these 2 months of reevaluating my eating habits and it is definitely not something that will be thrown away (especially since now there’s a wedding to look good for!)

But looking good isn’t the only reason for this change in eating style. Supporting exercise with a good diet is something that I’ve realized makes me feel better… and not just when I look in the mirror. I’m loving waking up early, eating a big breakfast after my morning workout, and then being energized for the remainder of the day. With my schedule being as busy as it is, it would be so easy to take the extra hour of sleep in the morning… but Paleo has taught me more than just about food. I have learned that an overall healthy life is also a more productive life because I have energy to spare (and not just for myself… so that I can also be available to others and have the energy to serve).

Lesson learned: Taking care of yourself allows you to be able to take care of others also.

Who would’ve thought that would be the purpose behind it all?? I love it when things are learned in unexpected ways. That’s what life is all about 🙂

What do you think?